Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Aloe Vera For Complete Skin Care

This Aloe Vera Skin Treatment is used for healing the skin. It is the most potent and natural form of aloe vera you can buy in a jar. Deeply moisturizes skin, while the aloe releases enzymes and natural vitamins into your skin. It is excellent for counter acting effects of daily sun exposure. Treatment is recommended for use two to three times per week. Made from Earth recommends keeping both aloe products in the refrigerator for a ‘cooling’ effect on the skin, as well as increasing the shelf life of the product.

Getting an aloe vera plant proves to be helpful in more than one way. It is worth a try as a natural approach to ageless skin. Aloe vera has several properties that are effective in treating a variety of skin conditions like flaky or dry skin, cosmetic ailments, and hair and scalp problems.

As Skin Moisturizer

There are tons of facial moisturizers and body lotions available in the market with hundreds of ingredients in them. Why not keep it simple by using aloe gel instead. Commercial beauty products always have chemical ingredients in them for prolonging and stabilizing shelf-life. The chemicals companies use, may sometimes have an adverse effect on our health with long-term use. Aloe gel does exactly the same thing as the other commercial products claim to do sans the harmful chemicals.

Aloe Vera For Sunburns

Application of aloe vera gel on sun burns will reduce the pain as well as the swelling and keep your skin moisturised. Recovery will be quicker if your skin retains its moisture.

Treats Acne

Aloe Vera’s anti-inflammatory property helps to reduce acne greatly. It does not completely cure the acne; however, it reduces inflammation and redness of the skin to a great extent. It also prevents the outburst of acne and pimples. Its juice or gel can be applied directly on the skin to cure acne. Aloe vera face pack can be prepared by boiling aloe vera leaves in water. Make a paste and add a few drops of honey. Apply it on the face. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse off with tap water.

As An Skin Anti-Agent

Aloe vera gel, when applied routinely can have the positive outcome of slowing down or reducing the signs of aging on the skin. Use Aloe Vera for skin circulation improvement and for boosting the growth of new cells. It also has anti-oxidants which has the ability of lending a fresh and youthful glow.

Stretch Marks

Want to get rid of those ugly stretch marks you gained due to weight gain or pregnancy? Hundreds of women try scores of cosmetics to hide these scars, but in vain. Stretch marks are nothing but tiny tears in the skin caused due to sudden and excessive stretching. Aloe vera gel can help you with that. Regular application of aloe vera gel helps in hiding these marks by healing the wounds.

Improves Skin Firmness

Aloe vera contains a plethora of anti-oxidants like beta carotene, vitamins C and E that improve the natural firmness of skin. Aloe vera helps to keep the skin hydrated and italso improves the skin’s elasticity, therefore minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Thus it refreshes the skin and makes it vibrant and young looking. So for a young and healthy skin, start using aloe vera gel today.